
I write this on the first day of a warming trend we had to wait until well into April to see. Spring seems like it took it’s time this year to arrive. The good news is that all of the seasons are awesome and arriving late just gives us more time to enjoy the previous season. There is so much more to enjoy by accepting the timing of Mother Nature and not making judgments or assumptions about how it “should” be in each moment or month. The same goes for many areas of life.

Amidst the Trees completed our spring workshop. Thank you to all who attended. The weather was beautiful for early spring and the yoga, drumming and walking the outside labyrinth all contributed to the restoration of our bodies as we emerged from the cocooning of winter. We hope to see all of the attendees at a future event. It was a lovely day.

Molly, Lisa and I are planning our next event in June. We welcome you to join us to celebrate the abundance of all of who we are to begin the summer. The date is June 2, and this time in the north suburbs at a new venue, Eastman Nature Center, which is another beautiful spot. We are also planning our weekend retreat in September at Crow Wing Crest Lodge, registration will be up soon. We hope you consider joining us for a weekend of restoration on many levels including the beach, bonfire, taking time for yourself and the added benefit of utilizing the healing modalities offered by the hosts there in your free time. The fall workshop will be in October also. We hope you can join us for one or more of the events. Caregivers often have a difficult time taking time for themselves and we hope you give yourself the gift of restoration, even better if it with us.

Enjoy each moment of the new season upon us, the increase in daylight, the emergence of new leaves and the flowers popping out of the ground as it warms, jumping in the plethora of puddles, and beginning to dig in the dirt to garden. May the quality that restores you begin to step forward and become a daily part of your life.

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