Workplace Workshops

Amidst the Trees Caregivers Workshop

Authentic Restoration Workplace Workshops

It has never been more important for organizations to address the mental well-being of their teams. Organizations are all trying to do more with less, we are still feeling the effects of the pandemic, and staff are tired. This can mean more sick days and even more people leaving the organization.

Amidst the Trees is a collaboration of therapists with many years of expertise in a variety of fields. We offer workplace workshops that help your staff feel refreshed, nourished and tapped into their life-source energy.

  • Staff are more at peace
  • Higher productivity
  • Fewer sick days
  • High staff retention

Workshops are held off-site in areas where participants are in nature and away from the work setting. The sessions start by connecting with each other and why this work is important. Amidst the Trees will take participants through a blend of guided self-inquiry, mindful movement, connecting with nature, ceremony, and play – with time to be with just yourself along with time with the group. Our process combines nature-based healing and spiritual awakening through somatic-based inquiry. We will help staff access their ability to listen inside their own body for the answers on how to clear the ‘sludge’ that has built up, release what is needed to release and open the space to replenish and heal.

Fill out the contact for and Contact us for more information and to customize a workshop to your needs!