Happy summer almost June 21rst the longest day of the year and summer solstice. I am thrilled I get to write the June blog as I love summer. When I was a kid growing up in Michigan June meant attending the kiddie carnival at my grade school, riding my bike with my three best friends to MacDonalds with my dollar and getting my fish sandwich, fries and a coke-yes, I did say one dollar! Summer was being on the softball team and getting Slurpee’s and bomb pops. Summer also meant hunting for tadpoles, sleeping out in the tent in the backyard, digging in the garden and listening to the frogs as I went to sleep. I still find times to let my kid out to play and enjoy the warmth of summer.
For me summer also meant water, running through the sprinkler, running out in the rain, and splashing through the puddles and best ever going to my uncle’s house on a lake in Northern Michigan. If you want to get to know me, put me in, on, or around water it is my go-to “AHHHH”. I hope you get to enjoy the summer experiences that give you the “Pause and push to play”. I had my first jump in and get your head wet lake time last week and loved playing with the water. I savored the sensations of going under for the first time and coming up with the brrr awesome water dripping down my forehead experience.
So welcome summer, thank you for your long days, sunshine, moonglow, rain showers, flowers, green color dancing in the sunlight, trees showering us with shade and glorious time swimming in the lakes around us. Please take some time to savor this month of June as you are able, walk outside, read a book on a blanket, swing in the glider, nap in the hammock and don’t be surprised if you hear the delight of someone jumping in the lake for the first time this season it might just be me saying woo-hoo!
We are busy planning our weekend retreat September 15-17th at Crow Wing Crest Lodge, please register on the website. We hope you consider joining us for a weekend of restoration on many levels including the beach, bonfire, taking time for yourself and the added benefit of utilizing the healing modalities offered by the hosts there in your free time. The fall workshop will be October 13th in Maple Grove at Eastman Nature center also. We would love to see you at our fall restorative workshop and retreat. I know I plan on jumping in the lake at Crow Wing in September.