Happy new year, as I sit and reflect on 2023 it has zipped by. Last year I was enjoying a snowy wintery walk during this time in Northern Michigan. Now I look outside to green grass and bare trees. I am amazed always by mother nature. On a walk in the woods this morning I crunched on the leaves, noticed the faces in the trees and reflected on how each day brings unique gifts in the out of doors. I remember I am not in control of what nature will bring, I participate with nature and appreciate getting to walk on the planet each day and the rest shifts each moment. Please take some time to be with your own nature and know that the ground, the sky, the water and trees have your back and support each of you on your journey in the world. Enjoy the video taken last new years in the Petosky Michigan area. Please consider joining Lisa Shelly and I in our authentic restoration workshops and retreat in 2024. Our first workshop is Friday January 26th at camp Sacajawea in Aplle Valley, MN. we would love to see you then.