Darker days, cooler temperatures, the landscape turning to hues of gray and brown. What is nature inviting in us as we transition into winter? This is a time of year to turn inward, slow down, create space to begin to nurture dreams. This is an opportunity to expand consciousness and ponder what needs attending in us. What lies dormant and ready to be contacted? Some say it is a time to nurture the light within our own darkness.
We invite you to take time to meditate, dream, sit in stillness, walk in nature without an agenda. Listen for the whisper and calling of your healing and initiation.
Join us on January 24th at Sacajawea Retreat Center in Apple Valley as we collaborate with nature to explore your internal process with you.
What beauty do we overlook as we navigate through life? Do you notice the mushrooms, the moss, the tiny flowers as you visit the woods? Or do you only see that which is big and right in front of your face? Stop, look, take in the intricate detail of the minute structure, color, form of these beauties lying along the forest floor. So much goes into their existence – they breath, take in water, sunlight, grow, transform, decay, decompose, and begin again.
Can we also honor the unique organization of all living things…….. human, plant form, and animal? Whether we are seen or not seen- we each have a make up that deserves to be honored and recognized. We invite you to start seeing more magnificence in the world. The brilliance of nature has so much to teach us.
Will you listen to the messages with us? We would love to hold space for you to slow down, sit with yourself, and hear what the woods wants to communicate to you- join us for our September 27th Weekend Retreat or our October 11th workshop to explore your true nature. www.amidstthetrees.com
What does it even mean to connect with Nature? Being that we all have our own unique way we navigate the world and how we see the world, there is a plethora of ways to connect with nature.
Do you stop and watch the ant crawling on the sidewalk? stand in awe of the moon as it rises each night? feel the breeze touch your cheek on a windy day? listen to the crashing of the waves of lake superior?
So many ways to connect. For some it is laying on the earth and sensing into nourishment of the grounding energy. Or for others it is leaning against a tree and feeling into it’s cellular rhythm. Or do you like to find a big lava rock (like those in the boundary waters) and allow the whole weight of your body to give way to the support of it’s sturdiness? Perhaps you are very mindful of how you take in connection with nature. However, it is not necessary to sign up for a forest bathing class or work hard to get the benefits of nature. Did you know that (according to a study by the University of Essex) that just 5 minutes in nature can significantly start to reduce stress levels? Being in nature can have many health benefits like reducing anxiety, lowering blood pressure, enhancing immune system function, and boosting self esteem and mood.
So- take advantage of your lunch break, eat outside, step out to get the mail during the day, stand outside when you let the dog out, bring greenery into your office or home, move your workout outside, do yoga in the park. Let yourself explore and take in nature the way it works for you.
If you would like some guided immersion into the natural world- join us at one of our workshops. There will be plenty of opportunity to commune with nature. We would love to have you come out and play with us at Eastman Nature Center on June 7th. Hope to see you there!
Delighting in the beauty of the magical shapes of the snowflake
Falling silently
Feeling into the freshness
Sensing into the bite of the crisp air
Basking in the clean slate of the whole earth being blanketed with white
Melting away everything and clearing the cells of the brain, the body
Dropping into the whiteness
Feeling so much gratitude for the gift nature shared with us this spring
Join us in June for our next Restorative Workshop- as we revel in the changing season and light of summer. Hope to see you at Eastman Nature Center on June 7th.
Listen to the earth, observe the barren trees? Notice the brown leaves on the ground. Can you peacefully accept the letting go – of that which no longer serves you and your place in the world? Just as the natural world goes through a cycle of ending, death and dying- can you honor that which is ready to be shed from you? In order to grow we must release something.
As we move into the winter season, again notice the ice forming, the earth cooling, sense into the dormancy of the freeze. Will you allow for the forced rest of winter? Will you push past it? Nature guides us into a time of necessary quiet. Will you take the opportunity to pause and honor that which has come before this moment, reflect, and clear space? The dark time can be a time to rest into the peacefulness of winter.
Blessings to all of you as you transition into this time of hibernation.
If you would like to continue to explore the gifts of nature, join us on January 26th at our restorative workshop as we deepen into internal reflection and ponder what dreams are stirring in the stillness.
We live in a world of so much urgency, so much to do, so much to accomplish, and we can easily get lost in a sense of constantly striving to achieve.
I spent the past weekend with my dear friends and cofounders of Amidst the Trees -Shelly and Molly. We went to Lake Wilson- Shelly’s cabin to “get things done”. So much to do to prepare for the next year, planning retreats, writing outlines, securing dates, deciding on menus- all the logistical stuff.
As much as I love hanging out with my friends, I was also feeling a bit spent with a sense of always doing, always organizing, and always attending to the details to get things going. Going into the weekend feeling both glad to have some space in nature with friends and a bit reluctant to work. Wondering as I packed my bags, am I going to feel restored after this weekend? Asking myself, – am I practicing what I hold for others?
I don’t know if you live by the motto- first work and then you can play. This rarely works for me. Good thing is – Amidst the Trees- was NOT built on this motto.
Molly, Shelly, and I did not come together to build a business. There was no stirrings of that in our first gatherings. Well- at least not consciously known to us.
Instead we gathered to play, to commune with nature, to feel into the strengths of our bodies as we skied, hiked, canoed, swam, breathed into the fresh air of nature and sensed into the renewal of the earth, rock, waterfalls, wildlife, and winged ones. We walked away from those connections with uplifted spirits, warmth in our hearts, and reverberating giggles that sustained us (at least me) for months.
Remembering our roots, I consciously chose to listen to my body as I went into this past weekend. Instead of going in -to push through and make it happen- I decided to first attend to self within the gifts of nature and connection with others.
After finishing unpacking the car (in the rain), we got on the lake. I paddled the kayak slowly and sometimes not at all, letting go into being held by the water. The soft trickling of the water along the kayak, started to soften the muscles, and my shoulders dropped a bit from my ears. My butt started to drop into the seat of the kayak. As loons swam near and let out some very soft faint coos, I felt the reminder to be tender in attending to self. Listen and attend. There was no desire to accomplish and move around the lake, I could just sit, just watch, just take in the gifts.
This ended up being a theme throughout the weekend, soften the heart, open – allow yourself to receive. Throughout the weekend, we repeatedly prioritized first….. the hike, the holding of a rock, and listening to the messages as we watched the frog in the mud puddle, the soaring of the turkey vulture, the quiet of the blue heron passing just prior to dark, the crackling of the fire, the sunfish nibbling on toes, the leaning into the sturdiness of the tree, several fleeting appearances of shooting stars and so many other treasures.
We leaned into that which is always there to hold, guide, renew when we pause to see and take it in. In the midst of that – our connection and holding with each other also naturally unfolded. Tears, laughter, giggles, hand holding, hugs happened as we deepened into the stuckness inside, the pain, the things that get in the way of our true self. Healing was again ignited within the holding of nature and human connection. We trusted in sacredness of spirit and the reorganization that takes place and takes us into the next day, next week and so on. And so today, we continue to feel the transformation happening inside of us. Some things not so comfortable yet yielding into the process- healing is happening.
And- yes within this vastness and power of collaboration with nature- we got the work done. We came away with all work agenda items accomplished.
We invite you to join us as we gather in Akeley at Crow Wing Crest Lodge September 15th for our weekend retreat or join us October 13th for our One day retreat at Eastman Nature Center in Dayton, MN.
We will hold space for you to connect with nature, listen inside, track the wisdom of your body, and sense into what is unfolding in you to access your authentic self. Are you interested in what happens for you when humans gather together and open to the gifts up nature? Join us.
There has been so much richness in witnessing the transformation of color as I strolled through the woods and the neighborhood this month. Early on the color of yards, trees, hiking trails were still pretty gray and lighter tan. Wow- what a couple weeks can do. Are you sensing into the lushness of the shades of green that are unfolding, springing, growing throughout the landscape. As you take in the sites and nourishment of green, can you feel it in your body? Can you sense into moisture? How does it impact your cells, your fluidity and movement?
When we tune into the healing properties of the natural world, our cells mirror the gifts within the plants, trees, lake, air, sun and so on. I particularly can feel my joints softening, sense into an alive energy circulating in my blood and get reminded that life is continually renewing. We can remember there is a season for rest, quiet, inklings of stirring, anxious energy of wanting to grow and now as we move into the warmer weather embrace the energy of emergence. What is emerging in you?
We would love to have you join us June 2nd at our Restorative Workshop (Eastman Nature Center) as we hold space for you to let go of what is getting in the way of your unique bloom. We will guide you in exploring what is missing to fully support the unfolding of your true nature.
How about the canopy of leaves-can you feel the protection? Another way my body takes in the nourishment of spring is through the umbrella of leaves. The leaves seem to be a filter for me of all the energetic toxins in the world. Migraines decrease, the musculature tension softens, and my breath expands when I walk through the woods or sit in my backyard. I feel my nervous system calm and re-organize.
We invite you to take time in nature on a regular basis and mindfully feel into the gifts. Notice how your body responds to the sights, sounds, vibrations, smells, and organic life around you.
If you would like some guidance in this process, check out our quarterly day long workshops or join us September 15th-17th at Crow Wing Crest Lodge in Akeley Minnesota for our weekend retreat. We love collaborating with nature to help you step into alignment with your authentic self.