Hey wow hi its June 2024 and I am here writing another June blog-I feel very lucky.
Such a difference a year makes, last June I wrote about water and there was such a lack of it in our world in MN. Now we have a literal overflow. Nature, she chooses, and we are sometimes along for the ride. The green is spectacular in the trees, plants and grasses. The smell and feel of rain helps me find my center in my soul.
I am grateful for walking on squishy ground and soggy sidewalks. As I notice the opposite, I am super smiley when I feel the sun on my face and soak up the rays of her warmth. Summer brings all of this and more. Opportunities to hear nature, feel cool breezes, hear birds chirping, and see some much life all around us.
I have been lucky on my way to the barn at Hold Your Horses to watch eagle parents raise two babies in a big nest next to the road. The last week I have seen the eaglets standing on the side of the nest looking out over the horizon. I believe they are just fledging and learning to fly-I can’t wait. Now they look like they just rolled out of bed with their bed head and funky feathers coming in. I hope I can stand on the edge of my comfort zone each day and continue to learn to soar and fly with whatever life hands me.
What helps you to land deeper in your soul?
How do you relate to the sound of raindrops on your skin?
How can you keep flying even when the rain pounds hard on your skin?
In blessings for summer and each of you I offer you dewy rain that kisses your toes as you walk on the morning grass.